I’m Ready to Help You , What Would You Like to Ask Me About Business or my classes ?
I’m always asked questions daily in my DMs 👩🏽💻 or text about the types of businesses I’m doing, someone asking keto questions and different questions about my car rental business or my Carbie 2 Barbie brand , how to start an LLC and MORE.
My DMs and text become overwhelming and hard to keep up with ,it is also unfair to my paying clients to give away free information so now you can book me for 30 minutes on any day you choose within my business hours and ask the questions you want.
*30 Minute Intimate 1:1 call ☎️ of the questions you have
Carbie 2 Barbie Business Hours
9am-8 pm Mon-Thurs
9am-7 pm Fri
Saturday 10am-12pm
Sunday : closed